About Us
What is Mwamko?
Mwamko is a coming together, a gathering of wishes and aspirations of a new generation of Africans who desire and want an Africa liberated from the clutches of both internal oppression and external dominance. It’s an idea turned organization, whose gestation, was born out of long conversations between young people who have spent a lifetime in the emancipatory currents and movements that have been a mainstay on the continent since the oppressor stepped foot in our lands. It proffers a newness for a new context and age even as it connects itself to longer genealogies of resistance and rebellion of the African people home and abroad.
Mwamko focuses deeply on popular political education and knowledge production for liberation amongst and with organizers, activists and revolutionaries. It centers this as an ongoing need for clarity in our current struggles, which today are in disarray and fraught with confusion everywhere.

It also wishes to be both an organ and a mass based united front for progressives across global Africa. A principled unified base predicated on a material understanding of the class struggle raging all around us.
These conclusions were arrived at from a logical and scientific understanding of the current neoliberal conjuncture that depletes and atomizes our liberatory energies towards depoliticized causes that will never lead us to a radiant and new Africa free from oppression and domination.
We are organizing, theorizing and building towards our final walk to liberation. Unite with us, and let’s take this one long haul to emancipation.
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Join Mwamko as we take the course together for the transformation of Africa.